Mrksich Group News
©Northwestern University
Milan Discusses Megamolecules with Drug Discovery News
On Feb. 26th 2025, Dr. Milan Mrksich joined the Drug Discovery News webinar entitled Listen In: New drugs on the nanoscale to provide insight into the inspiration,...
Welcome Sichen, Timmy, and Deborah!
The Mrksich Group extends a huge welcome to our newest members from the chemistry department: Timothy Mansfield, Sichen Mu, and Deborah Kovalczuk! Photo: From left...
Zhaoyi’s Article Accepted by JACS
Congratulations to Jiangbo and Zhaoyi for having their article entitled “Megamolecule Self-Assembly Networks: A Combined Computational and Experimental Design...
Guru’s Article Accepted by Langmuir
Congratulations to Mrksich Group Alum Guru Neupane for having his article entitled "HaloTag-Modified, Ferrocene Labeled Self-Assembled Monolayers for Protein...
Sraeyes’ Article Accepted by JACS
Congratulations to PhD candidate Sraeyes Sridhar for having his article entitled "Synthesis and Activity of T-Cell Tumor-Directing MegaMolecules" accepted into the...
Adam Elsharkawi Receives a McCormick Summer Undergraduate Research Award
Congratulations to undergraduate Adam Elsharkawi for being awarded a 2024 McCormick Summer Undergraduate Research Award for his proposal entitled: Dual Incorporation...
Alumnus Liang Lin’s Manuscript Accepted by ACS Synthetic Biology
Congratulations to Dr. Liang Lin for having his article entitled “Using High-Throughput Experiments To Screen N-Glycosyltransferases with Altered Specificities”...
Welcome Grace McLaughlin!
The Mrksich Group is excited to welcome new Chemistry graduate student, Grace McLaughlin! Grace holds a M.S. in Chemistry from University of Massachusetts Lowell and...
Welcome Grace Watkins!
The Mrksich Group is excited to welcome our new Chemistry graduate student, Grace Watkins! Grace holds a B.S. in both biochemistry and Biology from the University of...
Justin Modica to Present at the Cell & Developmental Biology Trainee Seminar Series
Justin will be giving his talk entitled “Structure Function Relationships in Antibody Internalization and T-cell Redirecting Therapies” on November 29th, 2023 at the...